Teresa Terroso
Scientific Committee Member of uniMAD
PhD in Computer Engineering, Master in Biomedical Engineering and graduated in
Electrical and Computer Engineering by FEUP (Faculdade de Engenharia da
Universidade do Porto). In industry, worked at Infineon Technologies, Portugal,
as an I&DT Intern, at CERN - Center Europeénne pour la Recherche Nucléaire,
Geneva, Switzerland as Informatics Engineer and at ProjectBox, Portugal, as an
I&DT Engineer for the Computer Vision department. She has been a public higher
education teacher since 2008. She is currently an adjunct professor at ESMAD -
Escola Superior de Media Artes e Design, P.PORTO. She is head of the Informatics
Department, vice-president of ESMAD's Technical and Scientific Council and
member of the UNIMAD's scientific committee. She was a researcher at the LOME -
INEGI and a Senior Investigator at INESC - TEC (Institute of Systems and
Computer Engineering - Technology and Science) at the Telecommunications and
Multimedia Center, focusing on the areas of image processing and computer vision
research. Has several articles published in national and international magazines
and a book published in the area of Computer Vision.
Research interests
- Computer Vision and Image Processing
- Computer Graphics