Main News & Events


By HTM |
SLATE is an international symposium about languages where we are discuss languages. ICPEC aims to be a space frequented by teachers and researchers to discuss topics that promote new methodologies, best practices, trends, techniques and tools to improve the teaching-learning process of computer programming..


By HTM |
DRIVE is a cycle of conferences promoted by the Master in Design and intrinsic to the theme of research. Next Saturday, May 6, 2023, starting at 9:45 am, the 2023 edition of DRIVE - Design Related Investigation will take place, which will be registered online via Zoom (a link is provided).


By HTM |
The 2023 Edition of Intermediartes - Cycle in Media, Arts and Interaction, ESMAD's cycle that intends to be an interface and a space for dialogue and discussion, where the different overlaps of media, arts and interaction awaken new creative approaches in different domains, has been busy with his firt open call. Participate and stay tuned.

PhD in Artistic Creation

By HTM |
A new PhD that promotes transdisciplinarity for the development of creative and experimental thinking, research and work in the areas of Visual Arts, Sound Arts, Dance, Theater and Music.

Call For Papers - Special issue of Media Practice and Education Journal

By RQ |
Special issue of Media Practice and Education Journal (March 2023) Disrupting Surveillance: Media Arts Practice for a Reimagined Future.

Post-Digital Letterpress Printing: Research, Education and Practice

By RQ |
An overview of the convergence of traditional letterpress with contemporary digital design and fabrication practices. Pedro Amado, Ana Catarina Silva & Vítor Quelhas (Editors).

Hands—On Type

By RQ |
Hands—On Type é uma iniciativa promovida pela esad–idea, Investigação em Design e Arte e pela ESAD (Matosinhos).


By RQ |
Today is a big day, is the 5th anniversary of ESMAD | Higher School of Media Arts and Design. You can follow the streaming session with testimonies from various external personalities, teachers, staff and current (and alumni) students. Please be tuned!


By RQ |
DRIVE is a cycle of conferences promoted by the Master in Design and intrinsic to the theme of research. Next Saturday, April 17, 2021, starting at 9:45 am, the third edition of DRIVE - Design Related Investigation will take place, which will be registered online via Zoom.

“CONTRAST” supported by DGARTES!

By RQ |
"CONTRAST: Multidisciplinary artistic network of Art, Architecture, Design and Photography initiatives", headed by the AAI-CEAU-FAUP research group, to be jointly managed with ESMAD-uniMAD and i2ads-FBAUP, was selected for funding through DGARTES.

10th edition of SLATE in ESMAD!

By RQ |
SLATE is an international symposium about languages. It is organized in three different tracks: HHL (Natural Language Processing, Tools and Techniques), HCL (Language Design, Compiling and Assessment) and CCL (Mark-up and Interchange Formats and Techniques).

Poster in PCD@Coimbra

By RQ |
Álvaro Andrade, a 3rd year student of the Multimedia Degree, developed a poster in code on the number 25 and was one of the finalists of PCD @ Coimbra. The poster was one of the twenty-five posters chosen to be presented on December 9, at the event.

Book on gamification in health

By RQ |
Handbook of Research on Solving Modern Healthcare Challenges With Gamification aims to share new approaches to build e-health solutions using gamification and identifies new trends on this topic from pedagogical strategies to technological approaches.