Alcântaras – O Som é Um Sistema
Fullname: Alcântaras – O Som é Um Sistema (The Sound is a System)
- Portuguese Republic - Culture
- DGARTES - General Direction of Arts
Other support:
- Center for Research and Image Production – NUPPI / Federal Institute of Maranhão – Campus Centro Histórico
- Mountain Arts Laboratory – Graça Morais / Bragança Polytechnic
- uniMAD, Research Unit of the School of Media, Arts & Design / Polytechnic of Porto
- Central Gallery of the Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación, Universidad de Málaga
Members: Cesário Alves, Carolla Ramos, Ramusyo Brasil
Members of uniMAD: Cesário Alves
Realization period: 2019 to 2022
Alcântaras – o som é um sistema (Sound is a System), as the name suggests
(alcântara = bridge, in Arabic), proposes the creation of bridges that
connect dispersed temporalities and technologies, but with the same matrix:
territoriality and shared ethnicity. A certain State of Nature of living
materials that demands, more than an opposition to the Rule of Law,
a certain Ecology of Knowledge. It is a sound and visual performance,
made from the projection of a film, but which also involves the live
construction of a landscape of sounds using electronic instruments.
It is also complemented with the publication of images and texts in
a graphic print support and the virtual exhibition, for an expanded
reception of the work.