LUGA Poster Biennial
Fullname: LUGA Luso-Galician Poster Biennial
This project aims to create and produce a meeting in a biennial format alluding to the Poster produced internationally (within specific time period according to each edition). Anchored and with the seal of uniMAD/ESMAD, it intends to explore the Poster as an element of research, highlighting:
Organizing Board (uniMAD/ESMAD): Vítor Quelhas, Horácio Tomé Marques, Sérgio Alves
Realization period: from 2024 (starting call: 2023)
LUGA Poster Biennial intends to promote Luso-Galician links for the purpose of enhancing European peripheries.
It is expected that this will promote: Relationship with municipalities in the North of Portugal and Galicia
(starting with Vila do Conde and the twin town of El Ferrol, as example for the first edition);
Relationship with the Cerveira International Art Biennal;
Capturing possibilities for Iberian/European funding (emerging cross-border projects);
Dissemination and bilateral promotion in what concerns culture, tourism, research, among others.