Nave Nuvem

Fullname: Nave Nuvem: Research project on photographic artistic practices and teaching with images

Institutions involved:

  • Center for Research and Image Production – NUPPI / Federal Institute of Maranhão – Campus Centro Histórico – IFMA
  • uniMAD - Research Unit in Media Arts and Design / ESMAD / Polytechnic of Porto
  • DGARTES - General Direction of Arts

Researchers / Teachers:

  • Ramusyo Brazil; Adriana Baptista; Cesário Alves; Olivia da Silva; Ângela Ferreira.

Members: Ramusyo Brazil; Adriana Baptista; Cesário Alves; Olívia da Silva; Ângela Ferreira.

Members of uniMAD: Adriana Baptista; Cesário Alves; Olívia da Silva; Ângela Ferreira

Project actions:

  • 2018 ESMAD Summer School Lecture and workshop by Ramusyo Brasil and Carolla Ramos
  • 2019 Artistic residency by Cesário Alves in S. Luís do Maranhão and Alcântara, Brazil, within the scope of the R.I.C.A - Residency for Scientific and Artistic Exchanges
  • Results and ramifications:

  • 2020-2022: Alcântaras, o som é um sistema

  • Description
    Pensar Imagens intends, in its pages and ideas, to propose a necessary approximation between photographic artistic practices and teaching with images. Like the Greek letter Π, photographic images come close to the notion of an irrational number. Due to the need for precise mathematics for the emanation of its materiality, but also for a certain “irrationality” raised by the sensitive universe of undecidability and becoming when producing an image, photography places itself in the field of technical images as a place for specialists to even a “no man's land”. With the extreme automation of the “coordinates” when taking a photograph, pushed to the limit with digital cameras and their “P” mode, followed by the mass dissemination of the photographic click on mobile phones, we can imagine the smile on George Eastman’s face if could today see in what became his famous slogan: “You press the button, we do the rest”. Ramusyo Brazil

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