uniMAD aims at developing high quality research and promoting the artistic, theoretical and technological development in Media, Cinema, Photography, Web Design, Information Technology, Graphic Design, Industrial Design and Digital Arts. The Research Centre will also strive to promote communication and cooperation among researchers and regional, national and international policy makers, so as to improve and enhance the development of specific knowledge.
Artists and photographers endowed with skills and critical capacity to develop photographic discourse in its various aspects, both professional and authorial.
Specialists in areas such as 3D modeling, VR/AR, interactive installations, video games, graphic animation and video mapping and, production and multimedia production in general.
Specialists with with great talent to develop concepts in the image arts, namely in the areas of video, photography, sound and lighting.
Reasearchers aiming to design and develop strategies, methodologies and tools to foster the computer programming learning, highlighting gamification to engage users in educational and business domains.
Professionals with higher qualifications in the field of research in photography, documentary and fictional cinema, directing, production, sound, photography and audiovisual direction.
Researchers with skills in three fundamental axes of design practice: laboratory experience, authorship and innovation.